Welcome to the WebSquadron cloud library
Number of snippets: 118
Disable e-icons from Elementor
Category: Performance
Disable e-icons - and remove the notification from occurring during your Page Speed Insight Check.
by WebSquadron
Remove Unused Javascript
Category: Performance
Remove Unused Javascript - and improve your Page Speed Insight Score
by WebSquadron
Deactivate some WooCommerce Checkout Fields
Category: WooCommerce
Deactivate some WooCommerce Checkout Fields from showing
by WebSquadron
Remove Order Notes Information on Woo Checkout
Category: WooCommerce
This will remove the Order Notes from being visible on the Checkout
by WebSquadron
Add Training Videos to Wordpress Admin Sidebar
Category: WordPress Admin
Ever wanted to add a Label to your Wordpress Sidebar called Training Vids that leads to a page that lists...
by WebSquadron
Add your Name, Email and Address to the Wordpress Dashboard
Category: WordPress Admin
Show your Name, Email and Address for future support to Wordpress Dashboard.
by WebSquadron
Adjust betwee Shipping Types based on the WooCommerce Cost Total
Category: WooCommerce
When the cost is > $100 then Free Shipping applies. Less than that has Flat Rate. The numbers are based...
by WebSquadron
Add the Sold Column to Products in the Wordpress Dashboard
Category: WooCommerce
Wouldn't you like to know how many of an item you'd sold?
by WebSquadron
Remove the WooCommerce Continue Shopping Button
Category: WooCommerce
Use this to remove the Continue to Shopping Bar and Button if you don't want to show it.
by WebSquadron
Remove Wordpress Screen Option Items
Category: WordPress Admin
Remove those annoying items in the Wordpress Dashboard
by WebSquadron
Change the Elementor Interface Button Colour
Category: Elementor
This is how you change the New Elementor Interface Button Colour to be whatever you want!
by WebSquadron
Hide some items on the Wordpress Sidebar
Category: WordPress Admin
Maybe you want to hide the Plugin item or more from the Wordpress Dashboard Sidebar.
by WebSquadron
Hide Wordpress Dashboard Items based on User Role
Category: WordPress Admin
An expansion of a previous code where you can hide items from the WP Sidebar based on the User Role.
by WebSquadron
Remove Google Fonts (Non Elementor)
Category: Performance
Removed Google Fonts for Non Elementor Websites
by WebSquadron
Ensure Webfont is Loaded (Elementor)
Category: Performance
Ensure Webfonts are loaded
by WebSquadron
Ensure Webfont is Loaded (Non-Elementor)
Category: Performance
Ensure Webfont is loaded
by WebSquadron
Stop Lazy Load for 1 Image
Category: Performance
Hover over your image in the Media Library to get the ID value and then replace the 10576 in the...
by WebSquadron
Purge Wordpress
Category: Performance
Adds a button at the top of Wordpress Admin Top bar
by WebSquadron
See who is Admin
Category: WordPress Admin
Been hacked and want to know who is Admin on your site and when got access?
by WebSquadron
Wordpress Updates
Category: WordPress Admin
See a list of Updates for Wordpress, Plugins, and Themes in the Dashboard.
by WebSquadron
Restrict Accessing Pages until Product Purhased
Category: WooCommerce
Lock away access to Pages until certain WooCommerce Products are purchased,
by WebSquadron
Explicit Fixed Width and Height that Excludes Elementor Carousel
Category: Performance
This is the code to use when the original snippet to fix this issue affected Elementor Carousel.
by WebSquadron
Page Title Shortcode
Category: General
How to generate a ShortCode that can be used for to show the Page Title that might be used inside...
by WebSquadron
Elementor Scrolling Header
Category: Elementor
This allows the header to disappear when you scroll down and to reappear s soon as you scroll up.
by WebSquadron
Fluid Typography
Category: General
Add a Tab for Fluid Typography that creates the Clamp() Formula based in PX (and converts to REM) - big...
by WebSquadron
Company Screen Option
Category: WordPress Admin
Add your Logo and Company Details to the WordPress Dashboard as a Screen Option
by WebSquadron
Branded Login
Category: WordPress Admin
Brand the Login with a Link and your Logo.
by WebSquadron
CSS Grid Aid
Category: Elementor
This can be used for any WordPress Builder to aid working with CSS Grids.
by WebSquadron
WordPress Repeater Custom Field Show
Category: General
After enabling Custom Fields you can show Repeater Fields on your site via a Shortcode.
by WebSquadron
Category: General
Add this to a HTML Widget. And then add containers, items, or anything that you want and assign them the...
by WebSquadron
Email Format HTML
Category: Elementor
Give your Elementor Form Fields an ID - go to the Advanced Tab for the Field. And then add/modify this...
by WebSquadron
Current Year Shortcode
Category: General
Use [current_year] anywhere on your site to return the Current Year.
by WebSquadron
Clear Woo Cart after 5 mins
Category: WooCommerce
This will clear the Woo Cart after 5 mins of inactivity
by WebSquadron
Add Woo Delivery Date Field
Category: WooCommerce
Add a mandatory delivery date field between 2 to 7 days from today.
by WebSquadron
Disable WordPress Comments
Category: WordPress Admin
Remove Comments from Posts and Pages.
by WebSquadron
Remove WooCommerce Tabs
Category: WooCommerce
Unset the Description, Additional Info, or the Reviews Tabs from being visible.
by WebSquadron
Category: Elementor
Show another container when you click on an Icon.
by WebSquadron
Category: Elementor
Show further info with click that replicates Apple IOS 17
by WebSquadron
Category: General
This is how to add a Mobile Menu like the Apple Website with the use of stacked containers with IDs...
by WebSquadron
Custom Field SVG
Category: General
This is how to add Custom Field SVGs to your Loop Grid.
by WebSquadron
Continue Shopping Button on Elementor Cart Page
Category: WooCommerce
Works well with the Elementor Cart Widget. Adds a 'Continue Shopping' button that can go back to your chosen URL
by WebSquadron
Add a Product to Cart on Cart Page
Category: WooCommerce
Add the Product ID to add a product/upsell to the cart.
by WebSquadron
WooCommerce Single Product Variation Radio
Category: WooCommerce
This will convert the Variation Dropdowns to be Radio Buttons for WooCommerce Single Product.
by WebSquadron
Single Product Elementor styling Radio Variation
Category: Elementor
Stylise the Single Product Variation Radio Buttons.
by WebSquadron
Single Product Elementor styling inline Radio Variation
Category: Elementor
Stylise the Single Product Variation Radio Buttons.
by WebSquadron
Single Product Elementor styling coloured circle Radio Variation
Category: Elementor
Stylise the Single Product Variation Radio Buttons.
by WebSquadron
Add to Cart JS Variation
Category: WooCommerce
Used with the Single Product Variation Radio Buttons
by WebSquadron
Reduce WooCommerce Product Admin Column Widths
Category: WordPress Admin
If you're adding new columns to your Woo Admin Screen, then reducing the size of fields such as Name can...
by WebSquadron
Add WooCommerce Product Type as Admin Column
Category: WooCommerce
Make it easier to spot if a Product is a Simple or Variable Product.
by WebSquadron
Add WooCommerce Attributes as Admin Column
Category: WooCommerce
When. you're using Attributes, make it easier to see if any are active from your Products Dashboard.
by WebSquadron
Show Page Title in WordPress Menu
Category: WordPress Admin
Adding HTML directly into a WordPress menu to dynamically fetch and display the page title is not supported through the...
by WebSquadron
Category: WordPress Admin
Ever wanted to restrict access to Pages until certain products are purchased? You can even redirect them to a page/post...
by WebSquadron
Reduce Cart Total based on Items
Category: WooCommerce
If you have 3 or more total quantity in your cart, then a $100 will be applied to the total.
by WebSquadron
Hide Item when Another Appears
Category: General
Any item/container with the ID 'Hex' will disappear from view when any item/container with 'Fex' appears in view.
by WebSquadron
Category: General
Highlight Text within a Text Editor or a Heading
by WebSquadron
Highlight Text Background
Category: General
Highlight and control the colour background for text.
by WebSquadron
Category: Elementor
Ensure the New Off Canvas Widget closes when you click on a Same Page Menu Anchor
by WebSquadron
Category: Elementor
Add some GSAP Colour Transition Effect to Heading
by WebSquadron
Category: Elementor
Use more than 1 source inside of your Elementor Loop Grid
by WebSquadron
Category: General
Add a Read More button after the Post exceeds 200px
by WebSquadron