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WordPress Admin



Max with within astra theme

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Making the with of the Astra theme set on 980 px




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Migrate BasePress -> BetterDocs: 2. Analytics

Added: 9 months ago

Last Updated: 9 months ago

<p>Use these to migrate data from BasePress to BetterDocs, or clone them and customize to migrate to some other structure.</p> <p>Import all 4 snippets, then run them in order. This will handle docs,...


AI Verified


Display ACF repeater field

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Allows to display Advanced Custom Fields Pro Repeaters whitout a plugin or page builder that allow ACF fields.


AI Verified


Disable author archives

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Removes the author archive section and redirects all links to author archives to the homepage. Perfect for blogs where there is only a single author.

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


Hide "Screen Options" on the Admin Dashboard

Added: 1 year ago

Last Updated: 1 year ago

This snippet hides the "Screen Options" tab on the WordPress Admin Dashboard, except for yourself. This leaves you in sole control over what info panels appear on the Dashboard. With this snippet ac...


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Migrate BasePress -> BetterDocs: 4. Search Logs

Added: 9 months ago

Last Updated: 9 months ago

<p>Use these to migrate data from BasePress to BetterDocs, or clone them and customize to migrate to some other structure.</p> <p>Import all 4 snippets, then run them in order. This will handle docs,...

WordPress Admin

AI Verified


Add icons to the custom post types in the At a Glance Dashboard widget

Added: 8 months ago

Last Updated: 8 months ago

This snippet adds custom icons to your custom post type counters in the At a Glance widgets on your WordPress Dashboard. I have a snippet in my Codevault on how to add CPTs to this widget too.


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Migrate BasePress -> BetterDocs: 3. Feedback

Added: 9 months ago

Last Updated: 9 months ago

<p>Use these to migrate data from BasePress to BetterDocs, or clone them and customize to migrate to some other structure.</p> <p>Import all 4 snippets, then run them in order. This will handle docs,...

Name Up/Down Vote Go
Max with within astra theme
WordPress Admin
0by0 users
WooCommerce Direct Checkout Pro: Enhance "Add Cart...
0by0 users
Migrate BasePress -> BetterDocs: 2. Analytics
0by0 users
Display ACF repeater field
0by0 users
Disable author archives
0by0 users
Hide "Screen Options" on the Admin Dashboard
WordPress Admin
0by0 users
Migrate BasePress -> BetterDocs: 4. Search Logs
0by0 users
Add icons to the custom post types in the At a Gla...
WordPress Admin
0by0 users
Migrate BasePress -> BetterDocs: 3. Feedback
0by0 users